An increase in cholesterol is considered harmful for overall health. Cholesterol is a waxy substance that can accumulate in blood vessels and obstruct blood flow. People who have high cholesterol levels in their blood may have a higher risk of serious and fatal problems like heart attack and stroke.

High cholesterol, especially bad cholesterol, is considered a significant risk factor for heart disease. People who have cholesterol problems should make continuous efforts to keep it under control. Can cholesterol be controlled naturally without medicines? Let us know about this.

Keep cholesterol under control
Health experts say that to keep cholesterol levels under control, it is important to maintain both diet and lifestyle. Lifestyle factors such as a diet rich in saturated-trans fats, lack of exercise, obesity, and habits like smoking can cause high cholesterol. To control cholesterol, it is important to keep a distance from them.

Apart from this, some natural methods can also help in preventing cholesterol from increasing. Let us know about this.

It is important to maintain a proper diet
A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can help keep the body healthy. Apart from this, cholesterol levels can be controlled by staying away from red meat, full-fat dairy products, and processed foods. Unsaturated fats like avocado, nuts, seeds, and fatty fish not only keep cholesterol under control but may also help keep your heart healthy.

Consume fiber-rich foods
The amount of fiber in the diet is considered beneficial for overall health, it also keeps cholesterol under control. Soluble fiber helps control bad cholesterol levels by reducing its absorption into the bloodstream. Include soluble fiber foods such as oats, barley, beans, fruits (such as apples, oranges, and berries), and vegetables (sprouts and carrots) in your diet.

It is important to control weight
Being overweight or obese can increase cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. Weight can be kept under control by eating a balanced diet and doing regular physical activity. Losing even a few kilograms in weight can have a significant impact on cholesterol levels. To keep the heart healthy, it is important to control weight.