How to get rid of warts problems from the skin: Warts are usually non-cancerous and emerge as small pimples on the skin. Warts are caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). HPV enters the skin when there is a break in the skin. That's why it happens mostly in children. Most of the warts come out of the body on their own. There is no special harm from this, but if these warts occur in some parts of the body and go on for many days, then they can also cause cancer. In such a situation, this type of wart should not be ignored. If the wart does not go in these parts, then immediately go to the doctor. Most of the warts come out on the hands, face, legs, private parts, around the fingers, and near the tonsils in the neck.

Cause of wart
Human papillomavirus enters through a cut in the skin and spreads the infection. Once this virus enters the body, warts can appear in many places. If the personal belongings of an infected person such as a towel, shower, soap, shaving kit, etc. are used, then the person using them can also get infected with the virus and warts can also come out.

When does the wart become dangerous
HPV i.e. Human Papillomavirus and Genital Wart can be the cause of many types of cancer. There is a risk of anal cancer, cervical cancer, and throat cancer. That is, if warts have come out on your private part and it is not getting cured, then it can be cancer. In this case contact the doctor immediately. On the other hand, when warts get cut and torn, there is a chance for bacteria or fungus to enter it. Many types of diseases can also occur in this condition. Most warts do not cause pain, but plantar warts can cause pain. Some warts can spoil the color and appearance of the skin on the hands, face and body.

What is wart treatment?
Most of the warts on the body go away on their own. If the wart does not go away, then it is also corrected at home. Salicylic acid comes for this. This is a kind of chemical which when applied on the wart, the wart melts. On the other hand, when it does not go away on its own, then doctors cure it by freezing i.e. cryotherapy, immunotherapy, or laser treatment. Doctors also cure warts through some liquid chemical or medicine.
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