Health Care With Mint: The demand for mint increases as soon as summer approaches. There are many types of nutrients present in it which take great care of our health. Many types of things like chutney and jaljeera are made from mint. It is also used in many types of dishes so that its taste can be enhanced. Apart from this, mint also protects us from the dangerous heat waves that run in summer.

The properties hidden in mint not only protect us from heat but also protect us from many types of diseases. Even in science, mint has been described as a panacea for many diseases. Let us know about the nutrients found in mint and its benefits.

Nutrients in mint
According to experts, mint is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A and Vitamin B complex. In addition, it also provides us with iron, potassium and manganese. All these elements are very important for our bodies.

Benefits of mint
Panacea for asthma

Mint is as tasty as it is in food, and equally, it is good for health. This can provide relief for chest tightness or diseases like asthma. Let me tell you, methanol is found in mint, which helps in clearing the respiratory tract and removing mucus. Mint is very beneficial for those who are asthma patients. They must consume it.

Provides relief from the scorching heat
In summer, profuse sweating and heat waves worsen the condition of a person. In such a situation, consuming mint gives a lot of relief. It reduces the heat of the stomach and provides coolness from the inside. Along with this, it also provides relief from problems like gas, abdominal pain, and heartburn. You can use it in the form of chutney or the form of jaljeera in summer.

Relieve headache
Often people get a headache. This problem increases even more due to the strong sunlight in summer. In this situation, peppermint helps a lot and gives relief from headaches. Mint leaves contain menthol, which acts as a pain killer. The oil extracted from mint leaves can be applied as a treatment for headaches. Apart from this, you can also chew mint leaves.

Remove period pain
Many women have severe pain during periods. You can get relief from period pain by using peppermint. You can make and drink mint tea to get rid of cramps and pain during this time.