Photo credit: Navbharat Times

It is seen that some people are very troubled by problems related to the stomach, problems related to the stomach include problems like constipation and indigestion, and bloating. An ulcer is also one of the problems related to the stomach, due to this problem people feel very uncomfortable, and along with this they also have to face many problems. Due to the problem of stomach ulcers, there is a lot of difficulty in digesting food, so it is important that you get this problem treated in time. Otherwise, it can also take a serious form. People suffering from this problem need to take special care of their diet. Through this article, we will tell you about some such fruits and vegetables, which are very beneficial for people suffering from ulcers. Let us know in detail about these fruits and vegetables which are considered beneficial.

* Carrot :

Consuming carrots is very beneficial for all of us. Let us tell you that carrots have anti-peptic ulcer properties. They help you to get relief from the problem of stomach ulcers. You can add carrot juice or salad to your diet. It is tasty as well as healthy for health.

Photo credit: ETV India

* Apple :

We all know very well that the apple is a very healthy and delicious fruit. Polyphenols are found in apples. These antioxidants help in relieving the problem of stomach ulcers.

* Broccoli :

The use of broccoli is very beneficial for our health because many nutrients are found in abundance in it. Let us tell you that sulforaphane is found in broccoli. Which helps in preventing H. pylori bacteria, the bacteria that causes ulcers. You can consume broccoli in the form of salad or also in the form of vegetables and soup.

Photo credit: Jansatta

* Green leafy vegetables:

People are advised to consume green leafy vegetables by all health experts. Let us tell you that iron is found in plenty of green leafy vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are very beneficial for our health, by consuming them, our body remains hydrated, for this, you can include many green leafy vegetables like spinach in your diet. These green leafy vegetables also prevent stomach ulcers.

* Raddish :

Health experts say that due to excessive consumption of alcohol, there is a problem of gastritis and gastric ulcer. In such a situation, consuming radish can be beneficial for you because antiulcer properties are found in radish.