Photo Credit: Jagran

In today's time, it is seen that most people are troubled by the problem of back pain, this pain is seen more in women. However, the causes of back pain include lack of nutrients in our body, unhealthy lifestyle, lack of exercise continuous work while sitting in front of the screen in the office, etc. At present, it is seen that the problem of stomach ache and back pain has become quite common. One major cause of back pain is working in the office sitting in the wrong position in front of the computer for many hours continuously. This kind of lifestyle continuously increases your problems, for this, you need to correct unhealthy eating habits. Today, through this article, we will tell you about some food items, and by including them in your diet, you can get relief from the problem of back pain. Let us know in detail -

* Foods with Omega-3 fatty acids:

To get relief from the problem of back pain, you should include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. By consuming food rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, you start getting relief from the problem of back pain, for this, you can include dry fruits like almonds, walnuts, chia seeds, and flax seeds in your diet. Along with this, consuming fish also supplies omega-3 fatty acids in your body.

Photo Credit: India TV Hindi

* Protein Rich Foods:

At present, due to the poor diet of people, there is protein deficiency in their body, hence you should include protein-rich things in your diet. For this, you should consume eggs, milk, pulses, etc. in your daily diet.

* Green vegetables :

If you are also suffering from persistent back pain, then you must include the consumption of green leafy vegetables in your daily diet. Because consuming green leafy vegetables strengthens your bones and muscles, you should include cauliflower, broccoli, spinach cabbage, etc. in your diet. Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin K are found in abundance in these vegetables.

Photo Credit: Healthshots

* Consume fruits:

To get relief from back pain, you must include the consumption of fresh fruits like pineapple, apple, cherry, blackberry, citrus fruits, and grapes etc. in your diet. Consumption of fruits also keeps your overall health good and there is also relief from the problem of back pain.