Photo Credit: Jagran

Let us tell you that turmeric is not only a spice but is also considered an Ayurvedic medicine. Whenever a person suffers from a cough, cold, or fever due to a change in weather or has any internal injury, he is advised to drink turmeric milk. After drinking this turmeric milk, one gets immediate relief because of the antioxidant, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties found in turmeric. Due to this, the body's immunity becomes stronger and it starts recovering automatically. However, it is not that turmeric milk is always beneficial, in many cases it can also be harmful to health. In such a situation, today through this article we will tell you about those people who should never consume turmeric milk, otherwise their kidneys and liver may fail. Let us know about it in detail -

Photo Credit: Jagran

* People suffering from allergies:

Let us tell you that people who get allergic after eating anything with hot nature should never consume turmeric milk, the reason being that turmeric is hot in nature. Drinking this type of milk can further increase the problem of allergy.

* Anemic:

Health experts say that people who are anemic should never consume turmeric milk because drinking this kind of milk does not allow iron to be absorbed in the body, due to which hemoglobin level in the body decreases. Can't make it. Apart from this, people suffering from anemia should not drink turmeric milk.

Photo Credit: India TV Hindi

* People suffering from kidney problems:

According to research, it has been revealed that an element called curcumin is found in turmeric. In which oxalates are found in large quantities. Let us tell you that these oxalates can increase the risk of kidney stones in the body and increase the risk of kidney failure.

* People suffering from liver-related problems:

People who already have any disease related to their liver should never consume turmeric milk because for them turmeric milk can prove to be harmful instead of beneficial. Consuming turmeric milk can worsen their lover's disease, hence people suffering from this problem should avoid consuming it.