Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

Let me tell you that if you keep on tossing and turning throughout the night and you do not sleep properly, then because of this your next whole day gets spoiled. Because due to lack of sleep, you are not able to do any of your work properly and in such a situation you start feeling tired and sick. If you also often face a similar problem, then you do not have to worry anymore, because today through this medium we are going to tell you about some such yogasanas, which if you include them in your routine, you will get better and better health. Deep sleep will start coming. Let's know about it in detail -

* If you can't sleep, try the soldier's trick:

Let me tell you that if you do not sleep for a long time after going to bed, then you can also adopt a soldier's trick to get relief from this problem, for this you can completely relax your body after lying on the bed. Leave it, along with this, loosen the fingers completely, in a short time you will feel that your eyes are slowly closing and you will start getting a deep sleep.

Photo Credit: Hindustan

* This posture is also beneficial:

If you want to have a sound and deep sleep at night, then for this you can also do Janu Shirshasan. To do this asana, by bending forward on the hips, the head is touched to the knee or beyond. By doing this, there is a good stretching of the muscles of the neck, abdomen, spine, and neck. Let us tell you that this asana works to calm the mind by reducing the anxiety level, due to which you start getting good and deep sleep.

Photo Credit: HerZindagi

* Do these things before going to bed for good sleep:

Let me tell you that you can also do Balasana before going to bed to get a good sleep. By doing this, not only do you get good sleep but your stomach also remains healthy. Regularly doing this asana improves the digestive power of your stomach and your body also remixes the message. By doing this asana, the muscles relax.