Photo Credit: Navbharat Times

At present, it is seen that cases of eye flu are increasing rapidly in many states across the country. Health experts say that due to eye flu, the risk of corneal infection also increases significantly. The doctor says that corneal infection can occur due to an eye infection. This disease can occur in people suffering from the problem of eye flu. Let us tell you that due to the infection of chorea, the sufferer has trouble seeing blurred vision, so this problem should never be taken lightly. Apart from this, due to corner infection, there can also be a slight wound in the eyes, which is very painful, in some cases, the victim may have to be admitted to the hospital. In such a situation, people who have not got eye disease or flu, must be protected from this eye disease, let's know about it in detail -

Photo Credit: Zee Business

* What is a corneal infection:

Health experts tell that there can be an infection in the person suffering from the problem of the cornea, it is also called a corneal ulcer. A person suffering from this disease has severe pain in the eyes, excessive watering, swelling in the eyes, and blurred vision. This problem can make a person of any age its victim. Experts say that infection of the cornea can be due to bacterial, fungal, or viral infection. If this disease is not treated in time, then the ability to see the eyes can also be badly affected, so it is very important to get its treatment done immediately. At present, symptoms of corneal infection can be seen in a person suffering from eye flu or even in a normal person. That's why it is very important to treat it, and never ignore these symptoms.

Photo Credit: LatestLY Hindi

* Reason for more cases of eye flu:

Health experts say that eye flu disease is spreading due to adenovirus, this time cases of this eye infection are being registered in people of all ages, although in most people this film itself gets cured in a few days. But in some cases, Purina can also cause infection. That's why people are being advised to prevent eye flu, for this, you should take special care of cleanliness, and keep washing your hands regularly. Take special care of food and avoid going to crowded places. Children and the elderly should take special care of their health.