Health experts say that Makhana is a superfood that has a very low-calorie content. Being rich in nutrients, it is very beneficial for your health. Many types of antioxidants are found in Makhana i.e. Fox Nuts. Apart from this, consumption of Makhana is also considered very good for your heart health. Consuming Makhana is also beneficial for people suffering from diabetes. Consuming it removes physical weakness and provides ample energy to the body. Let us tell you in detail about the benefits of consuming Makhana through this article -

* Control cholesterol level:

Nutrients are found in abundance in Makhana which includes calcium, magnesium, protein, carbohydrate, healthy fat, sodium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B, etc. Along with improving bone health, all these nutrients also keep blood pressure under control. Apart from this, the nutrients found in Makhana also control cholesterol levels.

Photo Credit: OnlyMyHealth

* Protect from oxidative stress:

Health experts say that the antioxidant properties found in Makhana protect the body from damage caused by harmful free radicals, apart from this it protects the body from oxidative stress. Antioxidants like Gallic Acid and Chlorogenic Acid found in Makhana reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes to a great extent.

* Helpful in weight loss:

Let us tell you that protein and fiber are found in abundance in Makhana, hence its consumption is considered very beneficial for reducing weight. Due to the rich amount of protein in it, you do not feel hungry again and again after consuming it. Apart from this, the fiber found in it also strengthens your digestive system.

Photo Credit: AllHindiUpay

* Blood sugar level remains under control:

Consuming Makhana regularly also helps in controlling blood sugar levels. Research has revealed that by consuming Makhana, many types of antioxidant enzymes are produced in your body which keeps the blood sugar level under control. Apart from this, consuming Makhana also improves insulin levels.