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Health experts say that cholesterol deposited in the veins is no less than an enemy for us because due to the rising cholesterol in the body, many diseases arise that are very dangerous for our health. Bad cholesterol is also known as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). It is said that if this sticky substance accumulates in our arteries in excess, then blood circulation can be affected. Let us tell you through this article, that due to the increase in the level of cholesterol, the risk of which dangerous diseases increases a lot. Let's know -

Photo Credit: Bhaskar

* Heart Attack:

Due to the accumulation of bad cholesterol in the veins, the risk of heart attack increases very much. Somewhere outside, due to this, the victim's life can also be lost. In fact, when there is a blockage in our veins, it opens It has to exert a lot of pressure to reach the heart, due to which a heart attack occurs.

* Coronary Artery Disease:

Health experts say that when plaque starts accumulating in our veins, the arteries get narrowed. Please tell that this process is called atherosclerosis. Because of this, blood and oxygen do not reach our hearts, which can also have serious consequences.

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* Stroke :

Let us tell you that stroke is also included in dangerous diseases caused by bad cholesterol. Let us tell you that LDL not only blocks the veins of our heart but also causes obstruction in the arteries going to the brain, due to which the risk of stroke increases significantly. Many times people even die due to this disease.

* Erectile dysfunction :

Let us tell you that this is a disease caused by men which badly affects male fertility. Many researchers have found a connection between erectile dysfunction and bad cholesterol. Because of this, men face a lot of problems in becoming a father.