Photo Credit: Jagran

At present, it is seen that heart-related diseases are the most common cause of death in the world. In the last two decades, the cases of heart attack are increasing continuously, tell that after the Kabir epidemic, there has been a rapid increase in the case of heart attacks, it is seen that from youth to children, the problem of heart attack is happening but do you know that a heart attack can happen even while sleeping at night, in this period, if the person does not get treatment at the right time, then the person can also die. In such a situation, now the question arises that how can a heart attack occurs in sleep and what is the reason for its occurrence, let us know about it in detail -

Photo Credit: Jagran

* Trouble breathing at night can be a sign of a heart attack:

Health experts say that if you are having trouble breathing at night, then it can be a symptom of a heart attack. Experts say that along with difficulty in breathing, if you are also sweating, then you should immediately seek medical attention in this situation. Contact a doctor. Health experts say that if a heart attack occurs while sleeping at night, then its symptoms are also visible, in such a situation, a person starts sweating along with chest pain. Some people may also feel pain in the left arm and shoulder because if such symptoms appear, it is necessary to get immediate treatment. If possible, in such a situation, a person suffering from a nearby medical store should bring aspirin and eat it, because by eating this medicine, the risk of death due to a heart attack can be reduced to a great extent.

Photo Credit: Redcliffe Labs

* Obstructive sleep apnea also increases the risk of heart attack:

Health experts say that due to chronic obstructive sleep apnea, a person can also suffer a heart attack. This is a sleep-related disease. Due to this, the BP in the body of the person suffering from it can also increase significantly during the night, due to which heart attack can occur. An attack may come. Health experts say that there is a risk of heart attack in sleep because the muscles get relaxed while sleeping but some tissues around the neck remain more active. Because of this, there is pressure on the respiratory tract as well and there is difficulty in breathing. In such a situation, there is a lack of oxygen, which directly affects the function of the heart. Due to this, the risk of heart attack increases significantly.