Knowingly or unknowingly we make many mistakes while cooking. Which affects our health. That's why you should know all the important things related to food. One of the negligence that we do while cooking is that in most kitchens food is cooked in an iron pan. People think that this keeps our health right. But it is not so, many people use an iron pan to make vegetables. While it is not the right utensil to make all the vegetables. Let us know which vegetables you cannot cook in an iron pan…

1. Spinach
Many people are not aware that spinach is rich in oxalic acid. When they are cooked in an iron pan, the original color of the spinach gets spoiled and it turns black instead of green. The change in color of spinach is due to iron reacting with oxalic acid.

2. Lemon
Lemon is also considered quite acidic. When lemon juice is added to a vegetable cooked in an iron pan, the taste of the vegetable becomes bitter. This is the reason why cooking dishes related to lemons should be avoided in an iron pan.

3. Tomato
Tomatoes are acidic. When they are cooked in an iron pan, they can react with iron, which means it can create a metallic taste in the food. This is the reason why use a non-reactive cooking pot to make things related to tomatoes.

4. Tamarind
Like the tomato, tamarind is also very acidic. When it is cooked in an iron pan, it spoils the original color of the food and you get a metallic taste when you eat food. You can use aluminum utensils or earthen utensils to make tamarind-related dishes.

5. Beet
The amount of iron in beetroot is high. When a pan is used to cook it, beetroot reacts with iron, due to which the food loses its original color.