Most people like to drink tea and coffee, but due to the caffeine present in it, it is not considered good for their health. Consumption of caffeine can cause many health problems. The amount of caffeine in tea and coffee varies. Excessive consumption of caffeine has a bad effect on health. This is the reason why it is advised to drink tea and coffee in the limit. Especially if you take caffeine drinks at night, it can be difficult to sleep.

Ayurvedic doctor DeekshaBhavsar has shared information about Ayurvedic caffeine-free coffee from her Instagram account which can be consumed instead of caffeinated coffee. It is also easy to make and it is beneficial in many health conditions.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Caffeine-Free Coffee

  • People suffering from migraine, PCOS, diabetes, and anaemia must drink this coffee.
  • Apart from this, if you have problems with obesity, sleeplessness, or hair fall, then this coffee is also best for you.
  • This coffee is a boon for women who have complaints of thyroid or hormone imbalance, have more cramps during periods or feel more weakness.
  • It is made from fenugreek seeds. If you dry roast these fenugreek seeds on a clay pan, then they become more good for your gut health.
  • People who have problems with cholesterol, obesity, high blood pressure, thyroid or hair fall must consume fenugreek seeds.
  • Protein, magnesium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, carbs and fats are found in abundance in fenugreek seeds.
  • If you drink this coffee instead of tea and coffee, it improves digestion and gives relief from acidity.
  • This coffee is very beneficial for women who have low haemoglobin levels.
  • You should drink this coffee for good sleep, to reduce joint pain and to increase strength.
  • This can also give you relief from period pain.

How to make

  • Dry roast one tablespoon of fenugreek seeds.
  • When they turn black, mix them in a cup of milk.
  • You can add brown sugar, or jaggery to sweeten it.
  • Sweets can also be avoided.
  • Boil it for 5-7 minutes.
  • Your caffeine-free Ayurvedic coffee is ready.

Image Credit: Freepik