None of us wants to ever have lice in our hair. When lice are easily visible on the scalp, it causes a lot of embarrassment to others. Lice are small insects that cause infection in the hair and scalp. Not only this, it causes constant itching in the scalp and we have to face a lot of trouble. It is seen that once there are lice in the hair, we all start adopting various measures to get rid of them. Not only this, different types of shampoos are available in the market and other

Start using the products. However, if you adopt some small tips, then you will not have to face the problem of hair lice. So let's go to this article today

We are telling you about such tips-

Do not share personal items

If you want your hair to be free from lice, then do not share your items like a comb, cap, scarf, headphones and helmet etc. When you share your items with others, it increases the chances of getting lice from one person to another.

Tie hair

If you have long hair, then always try to keep it tied. When you tie your hair, it reduces the chances of lice spreading from one person to another. It would be better if you braid or bun your hair.

Keep hair and brush clean

To protect hair from lice, you must maintain hair hygiene as well. For this, always keep your hair and brush clean. This reduces the risk of getting lice manifold. Always keep in mind that the chances of getting lice are many times more in dirty hair.

Use a comb

Many times lice and their eggs start growing in the hair and we do not even know about it. By the time it is known, the louse has spread a lot. To prevent this from happening to you, use a fine-toothed comb specially designed for lice in your hair. This can help remove the lice and their eggs. This will prevent lice from spreading in your hair.

Do not make head contact with others

Lice are usually spread through direct head-to-head contact with an infected person. So, try not to make head contact with anyone. This reduces the chances of getting lice manifold and you can protect yourself.

Use hair spray

If you want to prevent lice in your hair, then use hair spray or hair gel. Doing this makes it difficult for the lice to stick to the hair shaft. Due to this, they do not easily flourish on your scalp. Anyone can get lice. But adopting these small tips helps you to avoid lice to a great extent.

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