Health experts consider increasing screen time to have harmful side effects on our health in many ways. Increased screen time means- more time spent while looking at screens like mobile, computer, or TV. Not only is it bad for the eyes, but studies have found that people who spend more screen time may be at a higher risk of brain problems, obesity, and a variety of other chronic diseases.

In the modern era, digital devices have become an important part of our daily lives, says the doctor. The more we expose ourselves to screens, the more prone it can be to damage. Of particular concern is the increasing screen time in children, which has not only increased eye problems like myopia but also has adverse effects on brain health.

Disadvantages of increasing screen time
Talking to Amar Ujala, Ophthalmologist Dr. Vineet Sehgal says, increasing screen time has been considered a major risk factor for many eye diseases such as myopia, dry eyes, vision syndrome, etc. increasing globally. The blue light emitted from the screen is considered very dangerous for the health of the eyes.

It is also worth noting here that screen time is increasing physical inactivity along with eye problems and due to this obesity, sleep disorders, and brain-related problems are also increasing.

Let us know how to know whether your screen time has increased too. If these symptoms are visible then be careful immediately.

Eye problems
The biggest side effect of increasing screen time is the health of the eyes. This is also considered one of the reasons for wearing glasses in children. If you have blurred vision for distant objects, need to squint or slightly close your eyes to see clearly, have frequent headaches, or feel eye strain, you should avoid screens immediately. Should be taken These can be early signs of myopia and should be treated immediately.

Trouble sleeping or frequent breaks
Studies show that increased screen time can lead to sleep problems. Watching too much screen can affect the level of melatonin hormone necessary for sleep, due to which either you do not sleep well or there can be a problem of frequent sleep breaks. If you are also experiencing sleep disorders for a few days, then switch off all electronic devices at least an hour before sleeping.

Weight gain problem
Screen time can also cause you to gain weight. Due to spending more time on the screen, your physical inactivity starts decreasing, which reduces calorie burn and can lead to weight gain. Weight gain is known to increase many serious health problems such as heart disease, chronic diseases like diabetes. This risk is being seen more in children due to the use of more mobiles.

(PC: Freepik)