White Hair Problem Home Remedies: It is normal for people in the age group of 40 or 50 to become white, but it becomes a concern when the youth of 25 to 30 years also have to face this problem. Because of this, many youths become victims of low confidence. Some people either pluck or cut white hair to avoid looking old. Many youths use hair dye or chemical-based colors to darken their hair again, but it does not provide a permanent solution, on the contrary, the damage is different.

After all, why does whiteness come in the hair?

If we consume more unhealthy foods, then the hair will not get proper nutrition and whiteness will start coming at the age of 25 to 30. Reduce pungent, sour, and salty things in your diet.

Nowadays the problem of pollution has increased a lot, which also affects our hair. That's why it is very important to protect hair from polluted air, dust, and smoke.

The main reason for graying of hair is taking excessive tension, sleeping late at night, and not getting 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you keep your mind relaxed then such problems will not arise.

Use these things to darken white hair

1- Curd

Curd can be used to darken hair naturally. For this, grind tomato and mix it with curd. Then mix some eucalyptus oil in it. Now massage your head with this mixture every 3 days, your hair will turn black in a few weeks.

2. Onion Juice

Onion juice is considered beneficial for hair health. Massage this juice on the scalp. This will not only make your hair black naturally but will also get rid of problems like hair fall.

3. Curry Leaves

If your hair has started turning black at an early age, then curry leaves can be very useful for you. Bioactive properties are found in it, which nourishes the hair roots. Grind these leaves and mix them with hair oil. The paste that is prepared from this, apply it on any one day of the week.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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