The rainy season is going on. People wait for this season throughout the year. Due to the rain, there is relief from the hot and humid heat, but the rain brings with it many such problems, which are very important to treat at the right time. When a person gets wet in the rain, then skin-related problems start coming in front of him. Itching on the skin after getting wet in rainwater is very common.

Apart from itching on the skin, the problem of hair fall, dandruff, and itching on the scalp is also quite common. The biggest problem is when dandruff occurs on the head. You can either go to the parlor to remove dandruff, or you can get rid of dandruff by adopting some home remedies. You will not have to do much for home remedies.

Tea tree oil removes dandruff
This oil can prove to be a panacea for your hair. If you want to use it, mix tea tree oil with coconut oil and apply it to your hair. Within a few days, you will get relief from dandruff.

You can eliminate dandruff by using apple cider vinegar. To use it, mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Now apply it to your hair before washing hair. Wash the hair after some time.

Aloe Vera
Using aloe vera, you can remove dandruff from your hair. For this, apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to your hair and wash your hair after some time. This will benefit you.

If you want to use lemon then do test it once first. Lemon does not suit many people. If it suits you, apply fresh lemon juice on your scalp and leave it for 5-10 minutes while massaging with light hands. It helps eliminate dandruff.

Baking soda
To use baking soda in the hair, all you have to do is apply the paste of baking soda to the hair after wetting the hair lightly. Using it for a few days will benefit you.

(PC: Freepik)