Our lifestyle and eating habits have deteriorated to such an extent that due to this we become victims of many diseases. Nowadays the risk of diabetes and heart-related diseases has increased the most. There are some things used in our kitchen which have a bad effect on health.

Diseases increase due to these kitchen items

Refined oil

Nowadays, food is cooked with refined oil in every house, but let us tell you that it is not at all good for health. Public health nutritionist Swati Bathwal says that they are made through a heat process and in doing so the chemical composition gets spoiled. Only fat remains in this oil and the body absorbs only the fat. This oil reduces HDL cholesterol and increases the levels of insulin, triglyceride and bad cholesterol. This increases the risk of heart disease.

Refined sugar

Refined sugar i.e. white sugar is present in everyone's kitchen. Its consumption increases the amount of calories in the body, which causes the problem of obesity. Refined sugar increases the level of triglyceride and cholesterol in the blood which causes heart diseases. Also blood sugar level increases.


White salt is used in every household. Consuming it in excess quantity can cause the problem of high BP. This increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Packed juice

Packed juice also proves harmful to health. These contain added sugar. Artificial colours are also added. These contain less fibre and more carbohydrates. This increases the risk of diabetes.

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