We all want to make our hair smooth, silky and shiny and for this, we like to go to the parlour and get hair treatment done. Hair treatment makes your hair more beautiful. But after some time the hair starts looking dry and lifeless. This happens because, after hair treatment, we do not take proper care of the hair.

Therefore, it is always advised to take extra care of the hair after chemical hair treatment. So, today in this article we are telling you about some such methods, which you can pamper your hair after hair treatment-

Do not use hot water

If you have got hair treatment done, then to take care of your hair, you should also keep in mind the temperature of the water. Try not to use hot water to wash your hair. Due to this, the hair becomes dry and they become lifeless. Therefore, try to wash your hair with normal water.

Use the right products

After getting hair treatment done, you must pay some attention to your hair products. Nowadays, there are many products in the market which are specially made for chemical hair treatment. When you use these hair products, the hair remains like this for a long time. Also, there is no problem of them becoming dry and lifeless. Plus, the hair treatment lasts longer.

Avoid heat styling tools

After hair treatment, hair becomes very weak and in such a situation they need nourishment. But it is often seen that after hair treatment, people start using heat styling tools like flat irons and curling irons etc. However, the heat emanating from such tools can damage the hair even more. Therefore, you should avoid using them as far as possible. If you must use them, be sure to apply a heat protectant first.

Protect hair from sun

UV rays can fade hair colour and weaken hair. Especially, after hair treatment, hair becomes more sensitive to UV rays. Therefore, try not to expose your hair to sunlight for a long time. If you have to go out, cover your head or use UV-protective products.

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