Every woman loves her hair very much, which works to enhance her look. Nice, long, strong, and beautiful hair shows their personality attractive. On these days of the festival, women are seen styling their hair. But you need to keep in mind that many times the hair has to suffer due to styling. If you take proper care of your hair during this time, then it can be made shiny and soft. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you about some such mistakes which women often make during hair styling. Let's know about them...

Brushing or combing vigorously
Wet hair is more fragile than dry hair, and excessive tugging or pulling can cause hair to break and split ends. If you must comb through wet hair, use a wide-tooth comb and start at the ends, slowly moving upward.

Don't do oil massage
After hair styling, oil massage in the hair is very important to nourish and bring softness to the hair. Applying oil to the hair keeps it hydrated and also strong. Make the coconut oil slightly lukewarm and then massage the hair and scalp with light hands.

Using chemical products
Whenever hair styling is done, it is very important to shampoo the hair thoroughly after that. Many chemical products are used while doing hair styling. If these chemicals remain in the hair, then they can damage the hair a lot. It would be better if you clean the hair with mild shampoo on the second day.

Overuse of hot styling tools
Heat styling tools such as hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons can damage wet hair, as the heat can boil away water in the hair, causing breakage and tangles. If you need to use these tools, make sure your hair is at least 80% dry before heating, and don't use it for too long.

Long-lasting hair color
While coloring hair, some people think that the longer they leave the color on, the better the color will be, but this is not true. Keeping color on hair for a long time can damage your hair. Therefore, apply the color to the hair only for 20 to 30 minutes and wash it.

Applying color to the scalp
Many times people also start applying color to their scalp to hide their white hair. It is not at all right to color your scalp to hide gray hair. Because of this, the scalp can become dry. Along with this, different types of problems on the scalp such as dryness of the scalp, etc. can also arise in front of you.

Applying too much product
Wet hair tends to absorb products more easily than dry hair, so it's important not to use too much product.

Messy and disheveled hair styling
If you do the styling of clean, washed, and clean hair, then your hair will be less damaged. This does not mean that you should start styling wet hair with a straightener or tong machine. This can damage your hair a lot. When hair is wet, it is very weak. In this case, the pressure and heat caused by the styling tool can cause hair breakage.