Skin Care Tips: Most of the youth are troubled by the problem of acne. If acne is not ending on your face for years, then definitely use these things. You will get relief soon.

Remove Pimples Naturally: Acne problem is very common. In such a situation, the youth are more worried than this, but in a few months, the acne also starts to end. On the other hand, some people do not get rid of it for years. They are troubled by this and take many types of tablets, but still, the acne comes back in a few days. In such a situation, you must try these home remedies once. Many people have bad stomachs because their digestive system is bad. In such a situation, you can use sandalwood for the problem of acne.

Use sandalwood

Those who are troubled by acne should use sandalwood powder. Very old marks are also erased by this. In such a situation, sandalwood powder can be very beneficial, but you should know the right way to use it. For this, one spoonful of sandalwood powder has to be taken and add some honey to it. After this, a little lemon juice has to be put in it. Mix this mixture well and where you are getting pimples. Put them there well. Keep this paste like this for some time. When the paste dries, wash the face thoroughly. You have to do this by leaving one day. This will reduce acne and scars considerably.

Use coconut oil

Vitamin E is found in coconut oil. In such a situation, use this oil to keep the skin healthy. Take lukewarm water and oil and rub them on the acne. You have to try this recipe every day. In a few days, you will see that the pimples will reduce.

Apple vinegar

The problem of acne can also be overcome with apple vinegar. For this, you have to take one spoonful of vinegar. Add two spoons of honey to it, then add some water to it and mix it well. Apply it on the pimples with the help of cotton. Keep this paste on the face for 10 to 15 minutes and then wash it.

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