Hair fall has become a common problem nowadays. Sometimes it is due to some disease but most of the time it is due to poor lifestyle, salt water, food, and lack of vitamins. Be it hair fall, dandruff, dry hair, oily scalp, psoriasis in hair, dry hair, thinning hair, etc. The root cause of hair fall in 90% of people is a nutritional deficiency or hormonal imbalance. However, medication is not always needed to deal with this problem.

Some many nutrients and vitamins are essential for the health of your hair. Apart from this, there are also some diseases and health conditions due to which hair fall starts. Let's know about all those reasons why hair fall starts happening.

Hair health
Vitamin D helps in creating new hair follicles and restores hair growth. Vitamin B12 promotes healthy hair growth by helping in the formation of red blood cells. Auto-immune, hyper or hypothyroid can cause massive hair loss. Improving the thyroid helps in restoring hair growth.

Hormonal imbalance in diabetes, PCOS, and other hormonal disorders can also lead to hair loss. If you have low ferritin levels, it means you are iron deficient and prone to hair loss. A deficiency of calcium, magnesium, and zinc can also lead to hair fall.

However, you can diagnose all these problems even without medicines. We tell about all those remedies which are easy and effective for almost all hair problems.

- Herbs like Bhringraj induce healthy hair growth and make your hair strong and smooth.
- Amla strengthens your hair and delays premature greying. Neem and Hibiscus are anti-fungal, reduce oil and treat dandruff miraculously.
- Brahmi relaxes and nourishes your hair. It Imparts shine and luster. It also gives you peace of mind as it is cooling, calming, and sleep-inducing. In such a situation, people become victims of insomnia.
-Nuts and superfoods ensure that your hair is not deficient in essential nutrients and vitamins like iron, calcium, vit B12, D3, etc.

Apart from these measures, the fastest way to nourish your hair is by oiling them. The above-mentioned oils provide the necessary nourishment for hair growth as they can penetrate deep into the tissues, improve blood circulation in your scalp and also calm your brain.

(PC: Freepik)