Not only girls but boys also have to face the problem of hair fall. Many people pay expensive fees and get it treated by quacks and doctors. Despite this, one cannot get rid of the problem of hair fall.

Many reasons for hair fall have been mentioned in Ayurveda such as genetic problems, consumption of foods that contain an excessive amounts of salt, sugar, chilies, and spices, which increase the pitta dosha of the body, hormonal irregularities, bad lifestyle, Stress, lack of proper sleep, living in dust or pollution etc. Also, many measures have been suggested in Ayurveda to prevent hair fall, by trying which you can stop hair fall within a month. So if you are troubled by the problem of hair fall, then start consuming Amla, Mishri, and desi ghee immediately.

How to make and eat the mixture
1/2 tablespoon ghee
1/2 amla powder
1/2 sugar candy

Prepare a mixture by mixing all these ingredients and consume it twice a day on an empty stomach. Chew the mixture thoroughly and eat it.

This herb is aphrodisiac and energizing in nature. Due to its sour taste, it balances the vata dosha. Apart from this, it is also sweet and cold in taste, which balances Pitta dosha. This herb balances Kapha dosha in the body. By consuming it regularly, all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) remain under control in the body.

Consume these things also
Hair growth and health are directly related to nutrition, so it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your diet should include all the important nutrients for hair, from vitamins to proteins. If you want your hair to fall less then include these things in your diet.

Moong dal, amla, cucumber, buttermilk, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, cumin, coconut, Triphala, fenugreek seeds, pomegranate, fennel seeds, leafy greens and vegetables, eggs, and other sources of vitamin B12. Include in your daily diet.

Keep these things in mind also
- Massage your head regularly with Ayurvedic oils.
- Do not let your scalp remain dry for too long.
- Include foods related to hair growth in your diet.
- Complete your 7-8 hours of sleep. Massage your soles before sleeping, so that the level of Vata can be balanced and you feel calm from within.
- Do yoga-like Shirshasana and Sarvangasana daily. This increases blood flow towards the head.

(PC: Freepik)