Keto diet is very popular these days for weight loss all over the world. Usually, people start following it without thinking. While you get many benefits from this, it also has some disadvantages.

Nowadays everyone has started following a keto diet. Especially, those who want quick weight loss and stay on the keto diet for a long time. This is a special kind of diet, in which carbs are reduced and fat is increased. Generally, people prefer to take mutton, cheese, egg, chicken, nuts or seafood etc. in the keto diet. By following a keto diet, the body goes into ketosis and in such a situation, instead of taking energy from carbs, the body starts taking energy from fat.

Although the keto diet has many benefits. Apart from weight loss, it is also considered good for diseases like cancer or Alzheimer's. But this diet also has many disadvantages. When the keto diet is followed for a long time, its negative effects start appearing on the body. So, today in this article, RituPuri, Dietitian of ESIC Hospital, Central Government Hospital, is telling you about some of the disadvantages of keto diet-

Hormonal changes

If the keto diet is followed for a long time, it may cause some hormonal changes in the body. The keto diet affects insulin and cortisol. Many times women also notice changes in their period cycle due to this diet. If hormones are not balanced for a long time, it may require the help of a doctor.

Bad smell from the mouth

If you are on the keto diet, then you may have the problem of bad breath. Ketones are produced during a keto diet. Due to this good smell does not come from the mouth. In such a situation, it becomes very important that you take special care of your oral hygiene and try to keep yourself completely hydrated.

Effect on digestion

A Keto diet can also hurt the digestive system. 10Actually, fiber-rich foods like quinoa, beans, lentils, fruits, brown rice etc. are not included in this diet. Carbs are found in these types of foods. However, when the body does not get enough fibre, it can cause constipation and other digestion problems.


The sleep pattern of most people following the keto diet also gets disturbed. This happens because when you start taking the keto diet, there are energy and hormonal changes in the body, which can disturb your sleep pattern. In such a situation, the person may face problems like waking up late at night or not being able to sleep properly at night.

Nutritional deficiencies

If a person follows the keto diet for a long time, then it causes a deficiency of nutrients in his body. This happens because in the keto diet, some food item groups are completely excluded or are taken very less. Due to this, the possibility of an imbalance of nutrients in the body increases significantly.

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