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Let us tell you that keratin is a structural protein that is found in our hair, skin, and nails. With its help, our hair becomes long, black, and thick. If there is a deficiency of it in your body, then it directly affects the health of your hair, due to which your hair becomes weak, breaks, and starts turning white before time. That is why today through this article we will tell you about some such foods, by using them regularly you can increase the production of keratin in your body, which will improve your overall beauty. Let us know about these foods in detail -

* Eggs :

Let us tell you that egg is a super food which is eaten from morning breakfast to dinner. It is rich in protein which helps in the production of keratin, which keeps our hair healthy and strong.

Photo Credit: Zee News

* Onion :

Onion is such a vegetable that if it becomes expensive then it spoils the human diet because it is used in many types of recipes. If you consume raw onion in moderation, it increases the production of keratin in your body.

* Salmon :

Let us tell you that Salmon fish is a fatty fish that has always been considered beneficial for health because it contains biotin which supports the production of keratin and also helps in the growth of our hair.

Photo Credit:HerZindagi

* Sweet Potato :

Sweet potato growing underground is a very good food that has no shortage of nutrients. Consuming it increases the production of keratin in the body. You can also consume it by boiling it and some people also like to consume it by mixing it with milk.

* Garlic :

Like onion, garlic is also used in many recipes. Let us tell you that garlic is rich in N-cetylcysteine ​​which gets converted into L-cysteine, which is a type of amino acid. Which is found in keratin, which is why garlic is considered very beneficial for our hair.