Photo Credit: Jagran

Let us tell you that in earlier times, having gray hair was considered a sign of increasing age, but with the changing times, now the hair of the youth has started turning grey, due to which they often have to face embarrassment and low confidence. To get relief from this problem, you should use flax seeds. Let us tell you that essential macro and micronutrients are found in it. Apart from this, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidant properties are found in abundance in it. Let us tell you through this article how you can use flax seeds to blacken your white hair. Let us know -

Photo Credit:HerZindagi

* Ingredients required to make hair gel from flax seeds:

1. Flax seeds - 1 cup

2. Olive/coconut/vitamin E oil - 1 teaspoon

3. Essential oil - 3-4 drops

4. Water - 3-4 cups

* Easy way to make hair gel from flax seeds:

1. To make hair gel from flax seeds, first put flax seeds in water and boil it on high flame.

2. After this, when it boils well turn off the gas.

3. Now after this, put this paste in a muslin cloth.

4. After this, filter it thoroughly in a clean glass container.

Photo Credit:HerZindagi

* Method of applying hair gel to hair:

1. To apply hair gel made from flax seeds to your hair, first take a bowl and add 1 or 2 tablespoons of gel it according to the length of your hair.

2. After this, you can also mix olive, vitamin E, or coconut oil in it.

3. Now separate your hair into four parts and apply this gel thoroughly on it.

4. Let us tell you that you can store this gel in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 days.

5. If you add essential oil to it, you can store it for 20-25 days.