Marigold flower is found in almost every house in India. The Marigold flower is considered to be the most common but popular flower. It is used on every special and auspicious occasion, from weddings to worship. The special thing is that marigold flowers can be grown very easily at home. Very few people know that this flower can also be eaten. Let us tell you that the flowers of the balls are skin care and hair care benefits. The special thing about the marigold flower is that it suits every type of hair. Marigold flowers do not cause any side effects. Let us know how this flower is famous for your hair.

Increases hair growth
Marigold flowers and their leaves contain many forms of proteins that not only promote the growth of new hair but also help in hair regrowth. You wash some marigold leaves. After this, heat its leaves in coconut oil. Heat it until the leaves leave their colour. After that filter it and keep it in a bottle. You can massage it twice a week.

Beneficial in dandruff
Due to the natural anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties of marigold flowers, it is not only effective in removing dandruff. Boil marigold flowers and neem leaves in two cups of water till it reduces to half. If you want, you can put tea tree oil in it and apply it to your head.

Make hair shiny
Apart from removing many hair problems, marigold flowers are also very helpful and effective in adding new life and shine to dull and lifeless hair. The proteins found in marigold flowers are very helpful in bringing back the lost shine of the hair.