image credit: purplle

Many people worry about hair fall during monsoon. Many cosmetic products are also used in monsoons to prevent hair fall. Using it, in the long run, can damage the hair. In such a situation, to stop hair fall, you can try the methods mentioned here.

image credit: healthday

You can use many things like eggs, almond oil, and curry leaves for your hair. These things make your hair strong. First, break the egg in the bowl. Pour two tablespoons of olive oil. Massage the scalp and hair by mixing both things. Leave the egg and olive oil pack on the scalp for 30 minutes. You can use this pack of egg and olive oil 1 to 2 times a week.

image credit: krishijagran

Pour one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar into a bowl. Add 2 tbsp almond oil. Massage the scalp by mixing vinegar and oil. Massage your scalp with this mixture for a few minutes. You can use a mixture of vinegar and almond oil at least twice a week.