image credit: kalamtimes

Hair loss has become a common problem in unhealthy lifestyles and run-of-the-mill life. This problem also occurs due to increasing tension. In this stressful life, hair starts breaking with people, they start falling and there are problems like whitening-dandruff and greasy. There are solutions for this in Ayurveda.

image credit: Healthline

In Ayurveda, tea leaves have been described as an important factor in hair strength. Here we are telling how to make 'Chai Patti Hair Water'. To make tea leaf hair water, we will need one to two tea bags, tea leaves, and water. To make it, first of all, take a bowl.

image credit: Healthline

Add two cups of water to it and boil it well. After this add tea bags or loose tea leaves and mix them. Then you leave it in water for four to five minutes. Just after this, your tea leaf hair water is ready. Apply in hair and see the shine of hair.