Henna For Hair: Hair is the beauty of a human being. At the same time, long and thick hair is everyone's wish. Yes, long, thick and silky hair is everyone's wish. In their desire, people use many types of things. But do you know that these products can be expensive as well as harmful to hair? In this case, mehndi can help you. Along with being natural, it removes many types of hair problems. At the same time, many people are also troubled by the graying of hair. Mehndi can solve this problem of yours. Let us tell you here what should be mixed with henna in the hair.

Mix these things in henna and apply on the hair

- Banana

Most everyone likes to eat bananas. But do you know that by making a paste of banana in mehndi, it becomes silky as well as strong? Let us tell you that banana has the properties of removing dandruff. Therefore, if you are troubled by the problem of dandruff in your hair, then you can apply banana mixed with henna.

Olive oil -

Olive oil is beneficial for the body. At the same time, do you know that olive oil is very beneficial for hair? For this, you mix olive oil in henna and apply it to the hair. By doing this your hair will become shiny and soft. Please tell them that you can also apply olive oil to empty the hair.

Egg -

An egg is very beneficial for the body. But do you know that by applying egg mixed with henna, the hair becomes silky as well as strong? While applying it to the hair, you should apply only the white part of the egg.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)