Hair Fall Reason In Women: Hair fall bothers people to a great extent. In today's time, most women are facing this problem. The reason for this is a big disease. Let's find out...

Hair Fall Reason In Women: Both women and men are equally troubled by the problem of hair fall. It is not that women have more hair fall than men. Because this situation is related to every person's body, health, and genes. But in today's time, some such special reasons are being seen on a very large scale in the lives of women and men, which directly affect the health of their hair. One such disease occurring in women is being talked about here.

Why women's hair starts falling fast-

In today's time, young girls to older women are increasingly falling prey to serious diseases like PCOS or PCOD i.e. Polycystic Ovary Disease. Until a few decades ago, this disease did not bother women at this level, as seen in numbers today.

Daily routine, eating habits, lack of physical activities, and being under a lot of stress are some of the reasons why the problem of PCOS and PCOD is troubling girls and women 19-20 years of age. In this disease, women mainly have to face problems related to periods and pregnancy. But due to these, many more health problems surround women. Thinning of hair, graying of hair at an early age, and excessive hair fall are all these problems that also take a serious form due to PCOD or PCOS.

Hair loss problem in women due to PCOD or PCOS-

Due to PCOD or PCOS, the hormonal imbalance in the body of women increases a lot. Anyway, every month due to periods, women have to face problems like mood swings, and stress due to hormones, but due to these diseases, the blood flow during periods is also affected. Along with this, the imbalance of hormones increases to a critical level, due to which the biological mechanism of the hair roots of women gets disturbed and they do not get enough nutrition. Because of this, first of all, women's hair starts getting thinner and their volume keeps decreasing continuously and hair starts looking very thin and weak. After this, hair starts falling rapidly, which is an even more tension-increasing problem.

How to stop hair fall

To stop hair fall, after knowing the exact reason, it should be resolved accordingly. When hair fall occurs due to PCOS and PCOD, to stop it, only hair care products do not work, but medicines also have to be taken along with it. For this, you must take the advice of a doctor.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)