Common Shampoo Uses Mistakes: Most of us use shampoo to clean our hair. This helps in getting rid of the accumulated dust and dirt, but if we do not take precautions in the use of this hair care product, then we may have to suffer loss instead of profit. Many people do not know the right way to use shampoo, due to which they make mistakes and then its bad effect falls on our beautiful and shiny hair and we can become a victim of baldness. Let us know which mistakes we should not make while washing hair with shampoo.

Mistakes made while washing hair with shampoo

1. Spending more shampoo than necessary

When we apply shampoo, it starts spreading all over the hair while preparing foam, but some people do not work hard to increase the foam and start spending more shampoo than necessary to apply it to the hair. Are. Remember this thing that excess of anything is not good, it can spoil the hair.

2. Using the wrong shampoo

Which shampoo is right for you, it is decided according to the hair, otherwise, due to applying the wrong shampoo, hair will start falling. You have to find out whether your scalp is dry or oily and you can choose hair products accordingly.

3. Using too hot water:

Using too hot water to wash your hair after shampooing can prove to be harmful as it damages the hair cuticles, leading to hair fall and further baldness. If it happens, use either cold or lukewarm water.

4. Rubbing shampoo in hair

Many people while applying shampoo to hair start spreading it on the scalp by rubbing it, but doing so is nothing less than stupidity because it can damage our hair. To avoid baldness, apply shampoo on the hair with light hands.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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