Foods To Avoid During Hair Fall: In the current era, many people are troubled by hair fall, it can usually be due to genetic reasons, but contaminated water, tension, pollution, and an unhealthy diet are responsible for it. The hair gets internal nutrition through food, due to which the hair becomes strong. If the hair is continuously falling, then there is a need to be careful in time, otherwise, it may not happen that you become a victim of baldness at a young age. For good hair health, you not only have to eat healthy foods but also have to stay away from some unhealthy things. Let us know which things should be completely removed from the diet.

These things are harmful to hair

Diet Soda:

The trend of drinking diet soda is seen a lot among the youth, so nowadays people of the young age group are falling prey to hair fall and baldness. Diet soda contains artificial sweetener which damages the scalp. Therefore, to prevent baldness, stop the consumption of diet soda.

Sweet Food

Sugar is generally considered the enemy of diabetes, as it increases the blood sugar level, but it is an equally big enemy of our hair. Since protein is needed for the formation of hair, sugar creates difficulties in its absorption. That's why avoid things prepared with sugar as much as possible.


There is no need to tell us how harmful alcohol is to our health, it damages many organs including the liver, but very few people are aware that alcohol is also harmful to hair. Our hair is made of a protein called keratin, if you drink alcohol, it will affect the protein synthesis badly, which can not only lead to the shine of the hair but also hair fall.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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