Hair mask for dry hair: As soon as the weather changes, the problem of hair breakage and dryness arises. In this case, there is a need to hydrate the hair. That's why today we have brought you the method of making a flaxseed hair mask. Linseed has protein-like properties which help in making your hair long and thick. At the same time, vitamins B and E are found in them, which improve blood circulation in the scalp, and make your hair strong. Along with this, it also helps to darken your untimely hair again, so let's know how to make a linseed hair mask

Flax seeds 2 tbsp

Rice 2 tbsp

How to make a flaxseed hair mask?

To make a flaxseed hair mask, first of all, pour 1 glass of water in a pan.

Then you add 2 spoons of linseed seeds and 2 spoons of rice in it.

After this, you boil it for at least 10-12 minutes.

Then when it gets cooked in a gel-like texture, turn off the gas.

After that filter it and take it out in a bowl.

How to try a linseed hair mask?

Apply flaxseed hair mask on your hair thoroughly.

Then leave it on your hair for about 1 hour.

After this, wash and clean the hair thoroughly.

With its continuous use for 15 days, all hair problems go away.

Along with this, your hair looks hydrated and shiny.

(Disclaimer: The information given here is based on home remedies and general information. Must take medical advice before adopting it. Kalamtimes does not confirm it.)

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