Hair Care Tips: There are many types of skin problems in the summer, as well as there are many problems with the hair. Everyone uses a variety of skincare products to take care of their skin but does not pay much attention to the hair. Many times in summer, along with the hair being very oily, the stickiness in them also increases, which makes them look sticky.

If something like this happens to you too, then today's article is of great use to you. We are bringing some such special hair care tips for you, which will remove all the problems of your hair and make them silky and shiny.

Do these important things to take care of hair Hair Care Tips
Avoid excessive brushing of hair

Many people have the habit of repeatedly brushing or combing their hair. But do you know that this can also be a major reason for stickiness in the hair? Actually, due to excessive brushing of the hair, all the oil of the scalp spreads into the hair. Due to this, the hair starts to look sticky soon. To avoid this problem, brush the hair loss and also keep in mind that your brush is always clean.

Avoid excessive oiling of hair
If your hair also becomes sticky very quickly in the summer season, then you should avoid applying more oil in the summer to protect the hair from stickiness. In summer, oil increases the stickiness in the hair and also makes them oily. In this case, apply oil on hair only once a week in summer.

Use conditioner Hair Care Tips
Many people skip using conditioner in summer to avoid stickiness. By doing this, along with hair damage, the scalp also becomes very dry. Be sure to use a mild conditioner after washing your hair.

Apply lemon juice Hair Care Tips
People whose hair becomes sticky in summer must use lemon. This removes the stickiness of the hair and makes it shiny. To use it, after shampooing, leave lemon juice on the roots for 20 to 25 minutes. After that wash the hair with normal water. Lemon makes the hair shiny by removing extra oil from the hair and also removes the problem of dandruff.