Photo Credit: HerZindagi

We all know very well that everyone's desire is to have thick and soft hair, but this desire is not fulfilled by everyone because due to many reasons, the hair becomes dry and lifeless. Due to lack of hair care or due to other reasons, many times the hair starts falling rapidly. But let us tell you that hair health can be improved through lifestyle changes and good eating habits. There are many types of products available in the market to make hair straight and shiny, but do you know that some domestic You can also remove the problem of frizziness in your hair by adopting the tips. Through this medium, we tell you some home remedies, by adopting which you can get relief from the problem of dry hair and make your hair soft and shiny. Let's know -

Photo Credit: HerZindagi

* Use Apple Cider Vinegar:

Let us tell you that acidity and potassium are found in apple cider vinegar, which can remove the problem of dryness from our hair. To give a new life to hair, you must use apple cider vinegar once a week. Let us tell you that after shampooing, instead of conditioner, you should use apple cider vinegar. For this, after shampooing, take a few spoons of vinegar in a vessel and mix only this much water in it, after that apply it to the hair and leave it for some time, after that wash the hair with clean water.

* Use of beer is also effective:

Very few people know that the use of beer also works to moisturize hair. For this, while washing the hair, use beer on it, after that use shampoo. Regarding beer, it is believed that its moisturizing properties work to repair hair.

Photo Credit: Jagran

* Use honey and aloe vera:

Let us tell you that the solution of aloe vera and honey is also considered very effective to remove frizziness and dryness in the hair, for this you take three to four spoons of aloe vera gel in a vessel, after that add one spoon of honey and mix it well. After mixing, apply this prepared paste to the hair and leave it to dry. After this, follow the shampoo routine, this remedy must be adopted once a week, by doing this your hair remains soft and shiny.