After the scorching heat of May and June, now the rain has brought a lot of relief to the people. Due to the incessant rains, people are now facing problems. Water is filling everywhere. Getting wet in the rain not only increases the chances of infection on the skin, but apart from this, many problems start appearing on the scalp as well.

It is said that moisture, wet soil, and frequent rains in the rainy season cause the problem of fungal infection in the scalp. If it is not taken care of in the beginning then the problem can increase. To get rid of this fungal infection, you can either go to the parlor and spend thousands of rupees or you can remove this infection by adopting some home remedies. In today's article, we are going to tell you some tips to get rid of fungal infections.

Keep hair clean
Always keep your hair clean during the rainy season. If the hair is dirty then the risk of infection will be more. In such a situation, try to wash the hair at least two to three times even in the rain so that the hair remains clean.

Use coconut oil
Coconut oil has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal properties, which cure fungal infections. To use it, you can mix some fenugreek seeds in coconut oil and apply it to your hair. This will give you relief.

Use neem
Such properties are found in neem which help remove many skin problems. If there is a problem of fungal infection in your head too, make a paste of neem leaves and add a little lemon to it. Leave this paste on your scalp and then wash your hair with plain water.

How to identify a fungal infection
Many people do not even realize that they have a fungal infection on their scalp. Its symptoms are quite different from normal skin infections. When there is a fungal infection in the head, there are small boils on the scalp. A thick, red, and sticky layer forms on the scalp.

(PC: Freepik)