Nowadays, who are troubled by the problem of hair fall, people's hair is breaking at an early age. Even before the age of 30, people's hair starts turning gray. It is not a matter but more hair fall is a matter of concern. There are many reasons for hair fall such as stress, changing hormones in the body, or not getting the right nutrients to the body. In such a situation, if you are also a victim of baldness at an early age. If this is happening, then you need to pay attention to your food and drink. Yes, if there is a problem with hair loss, then you must include some things in your diet. Let us tell you what things you should include in your diet.

Include these things in the diet for hair fall-

If you want to keep hair strong, then definitely include protein in the diet. For this, you can consume eggs, the amount of protein in eggs is very high. Because of this, it strengthens the hair from the roots, for this you must consume one egg daily. This will increase hair growth and reduce your hair fall.

Eating greens lead to the rapid growth of hair. This is because iron is present in abundance in greens. Hair cells are repaired by this, sometimes due to lack of iron, hair starts falling rapidly. If you are also troubled by hair loss, then definitely include spinach in your diet, it will reduce hair fall and hair growth will increase rapidly.

If you also do not want to go bald at an early age, then include walnuts in your diet. Yes, walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, due to which your hair gets nutrition, with the help of which your hair becomes thick and strong, along with this your hair fall also stops.