Due to today's run-of-the-mill life and poor lifestyle, people are often unable to pay proper attention to their diet, which also affects their hair. It is seen that people are facing problems like hair fall, hair thinning, or dandruff. However, the cause of hair breakage can also be dust, tension, depression, and changing weather. In such a situation, many natural things are used, one of which is onion oil. Today in this episode, we are going to tell you how onion oil is beneficial for hair and what is the method of applying it. Let's know about them...

Nourish hair
Onion oil is also used in the preparation of oils that promote hair growth. The reason is that sulfur is found in onion juice, which can act to promote collagen, which is essential for hair growth. It would not be wrong to say on this basis that onion oil can work to provide nourishment to the hair.

Stop hair graying
Applying onion oil ie onion oil helps in increasing hair growth. The sulfur present in this oil gives relief from problems like split ends, hair fall, etc. By applying this your hair becomes thick. Onion oil maintains the natural pH of the hair which prevents premature graying of your hair.

Get rid of split ends
Sulfur present in onion oil gives relief from problems like split ends, hair fall, etc. By applying this your hair becomes thick. Onion oil maintains the natural pH of the hair which prevents premature graying of your hair.

Moisturize dry hair
Onion oil gives moisture to dry hair. It helps in making the hair strong and soft. Using this can increase the shine of your hair. Use less if the scalp is oily.

Prevent infection
Often bacterial infection causes hair loss. In this case, it is possible to prevent infection by applying onion oil to the hair. For this, massage your hair with light hands regularly with onion oil daily.

Help prevent hair fall
Onion oil contains some antioxidants that activate enzymes that prevent hair fall. By applying this, your hair gets full nutrition. Along with this, the sulfur found in it also helps in keeping your scalp healthy.

Remove dandruff
Onion oil also exhibits beneficial effects on the problem of dandruff. Research has suggested that zinc is present in onion juice, which helps in the production of natural oil on the scalp. At the same time, it can provide relief from the problem of dandruff. Since onion oil is prepared by using onion juice or extracts. Therefore it can be considered helpful in promoting hair growth by removing dandruff.

How to make onion oil
To make onion oil, first, grind about 50 grams of onion in a mixer. After this, put coconut oil in a pan. Add onion paste to it. Now let it boil. After the first boil, lower the flame and let it simmer till the oil separates from the mixture. After that mix it well. When the juice cools down, separate it by filtering it. Keep the oil in a tight container. You can keep onion oil in an air-tight container for 6 months. Keep in mind that this oil smells of onion, so always apply it and shampoo your hair in the morning.

How to apply onion oil to hair
To get rid of the problem of white hair, falling hair, and dryness of hair, onion oil should be applied to the hair every time before washing the head. The growth of hair must have good blood circulation. For this, the scalp should be massaged with onion oil with light hands. It nourishes the hair, which prevents hair fall and removes dryness, and makes them soft and shiny.