image credit: puresense

Due to increasing stress, improper eating habits, and pollution, there is a negative effect on health. Also, it has a bad effect on the hair. Due to this, the hair starts breaking and falling and there are problems like whiteness-dandruff and greasiness. To avoid this, we are telling the tea leaf hair water method.

image credit: indiatimes

To make tea leaf hair water, we will need one to two tea bags, tea leaves, and water. To make it, first of all, take a bowl and boil it well by adding two cups of water. After this add tea bags or loose tea leaves and mix them.

image credit: healthshots

After adopting the above process, then leave it in water for four to five minutes. Just after this, your tea leaf hair water is ready. Now wash the hair thoroughly with shampoo before applying it to the hair. After this, amazing shining will come into your hair.