Despite daily cleaning of the house, various types of insects enter the house. Termites are also one of the main problems in the house. By the time we realize that there is a termite infestation, it is too late. This problem increases further during the rainy season. There is a lot of moisture in the air during this season due to which termites start to breed. But to get rid of this problem, some hacks can help you a lot. Let us know about them.

How to remove termites?

Wet cardboard can be used to get rid of termites. Wet cardboard contains cellulose which can help expel termites. To do this hack, you just have to keep wet cardboard in the termite area for some time. After this, the termites will come out on their own within some time. As soon as you see termites coming out, spray insecticide on them. This will eliminate termites.

How to remove termites from furniture?

You can also get rid of termites with the help of cloves which are used in every house. For this, you need 6 drops of clove oil and one cup of water. Mix these two things and put them in a spray bottle. After this spray this liquid on termites. This kills the termites. However, if there are more termites then you can use this spray continuously for 3 to 4 days.

Garlic and Neem will remove termites

Peel 6 to 8 garlic cloves and put them in 1 cup of water. Along with this, add neem oil or some leaves to water. Put this liquid in a spray bottle and spray. This liquid is very beneficial to remove termites.

How to get rid of termites with aloe vera gel?

Sometimes there are very few termites. In such a situation, you can take the help of aloe vera gel. By applying aloe vera gel to the termite-affected area, termites are gradually eliminated.

With the help of all these hacks, you can easily get rid of termites. Apart from this, termites can also be eliminated by keeping furniture in sunlight.

Photo Credit: Freepik