As age increases, changes are seen in people's bodies. The person starts becoming physically and mentally weak. This is a natural process, but some people start looking old before time. The age is 30 but from the front, the person looks 40 to 45 years old. Many types of diseases surround us, and signs of ageing are also visible on the face. The answer to why this happens is our bad lifestyle. Today we are introducing you to such habits which not only make you look prematurely aged but also cause many diseases. Let us know about this from dietitian Kajal Aggarwal.

These habits make you old and sick before the time

Excessive consumption of sugar and salt

The habit of eating excessive sugar and salt can make you sick and old. Consuming too much salt not only causes dehydration in the body but you can also become a victim of high blood pressure. This not only harms your face but also increases the risk of heart disease. At the same time, excessive consumption of sugar can make you a patient of diabetes and heart disease. Apart from this, sugar weakens the two proteins found in your skin called collagen and elastin. Due to this, the person starts looking old before time.

Unhealthy food

Consuming an unhealthy diet means consuming fried, processed and packed foods. Many types of preservatives and colours are used in these. Packed food contains a lot of carbohydrates due to which the blood sugar level increases rapidly. Along with this, eating too much fried food can also cause the problem of high cholesterol.

Drinking less water (Dehydration)

We all know that it is very important to drink an adequate amount of water, yet we drink less water. This can cause dehydration problems. Due to the lack of water in the body, your kidneys can get damaged. Apart from this, the glow of your skin also disappears, and the person gets surrounded by many diseases before time and looks old.

Taking stress

When you take stress and remain under too much stress, it not only makes you physically weak but your mental health also deteriorates. Taking too much stress causes hair fall. Due to stress, you also become at risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Lack of sleep

Lack of sleep can also cause you to age quickly. Experts often recommend getting adequate sleep of 7 to 8 hours. During this time your cells are repaired and you are ready for the next day. But when you do not sleep, it causes stress and irritability. You start becoming mentally ill and due to this, the risk of diabetes also increases significantly. Lack of sleep is also not good for your skin.

Lack of physical activity (Sedentary Life)

Due to sedentary life, the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease increases. The muscles start becoming weak and the development of bones also starts getting disturbed.

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