The H5N1 virus (avian influenza), considered more dangerous than coronavirus, is seen increasing rapidly in many countries. In recent reports, cases of its spread to humans through cows and milk were also reported in many cities of America. Earlier this month, an alert was issued about the increase in cases of the H5N1 virus in India as well. The H5N1 virus is also known as bird flu.

Earlier this month, the central government issued an advisory regarding avian influenza and advised four states Andhra Pradesh (Nellore district), Maharashtra (Nagpur district), Jharkhand (Ranchi district), and Kerala (Alappuzha, Kottayam, and Pathanamthitta districts) to take special precautions. Now the World Health Organization (WHO) has reported the first death in the world due to bird flu.

The WHO said on Wednesday (June 5) that a 59-year-old man in Mexico died due to the H5N2 strain of bird flu. However, the UN agency did not say how the person was infected. The patient was hospitalized due to symptoms such as fever, difficulty breathing, and diarrhea. He also had diseases like chronic kidney failure, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

This infection is more dangerous than corona
The health organization said that they first received information about the case on May 23. It can be 100 times more dangerous infection than coronavirus.

The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said in a report, that at present, cases of infection of the H5N1 virus from one person to another have not been seen. However, all people need to remain constantly cautious about its symptoms and risks of infection. In case of infection with this virus, symptoms can range from mild to severe. There is also a risk of a high mortality rate due to this.

Alert continues in India too
Earlier this month, the Government of India issued an advisory regarding bird flu in the country and advised four states to take special precautions. The central government has said that all states and union territories (UTs) should keep an eye on any unusual deaths in birds or chickens. Along with this, all people need to avoid coming in close contact with them. Most of the symptoms of bird flu look like influenza. It is important to identify it in time.

Two strains of bird flu are increasing worldwide
According to the WHO report, two strains of bird flu (H5N1 and H5N2) are seen increasing rapidly around the world these days. The person found dead in Mexico died due to infection with the H5N2 strain. According to the information shared by the Mexican government, cases of infection due to H5N2 in poultry were reported in many cities in the last few months.

In America, due to other bird flu infections H5N1, infection in humans has also been confirmed through cows and milk. This infection can occur in humans by coming in contact with the body fluids of an animal infected with H5N1, such as spit (saliva), droplets emitted by sneezing or coughing, or feces.

How does the infection spread, and what to do to prevent it?

There is a low risk of bird flu spreading from one person to another. Its risk can be reduced by avoiding close contact with birds, wild animals, and livestock, taking care of hand hygiene and wearing masks. Its risk is mainly high among chickens and birds. However, in America, the risk of infection has also been seen due to cows and raw milk, about which all people have been warned.