Good Friday 2023 Long Weekend: Good Friday is in April. This is the main day of the Christian community. In such a situation, on the occasion of Good Friday, there is a holiday in schools, colleges, and most offices. This time Good Friday is on the 7th of April. After this is the second Saturday of the week and then Sunday. In this way, there is a three-day holiday on Good Friday. This is the best time for a long weekend trip. At present, the weather is also not very hot. Therefore, if there is a plan to go somewhere, then the Good Friday holiday is giving a better chance. If you want to go on a long weekend trip to enjoy the holidays to the fullest before the sultry summer sets in, then here you are being given the option of some places. You can turn to these places for the Good Friday holiday for less money.

Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh
You can go to Himachal Pradesh for a three-day holiday from 7th April to 9th April. There are many hill stations in Himachal Pradesh, where you can travel on a budget and stay for two nights for less money. The natural beauty of Kinnaur Hill Station in Himachal Pradesh attracts tourists. Kinnaur can be visited with a budget of only five thousand rupees.

Bhedaghat, Jabalpur
You can plan to visit Jabalpur for the three-day holiday of Good Friday. The beauty of Bhedaghat of Jabalpur will fascinate you. Here the Narmada river coming out of the marble rocks attracts tourists. Three days are enough time to see the Chausath Yogini Temple and the beautiful waterfall.

Varkala Beach, Kerala
You can visit Kerala during this season. Varkala, a small village on the outskirts of Thiruvananthapuram in Kerala, attracts tourists and pilgrims. Here you can roam on Varkala beach. One can see the beautiful views of natural springs.

This is the right time to visit Kullu in Himachal Pradesh. If you go there, you can also go on a trip to the Himalayan National Park. At this time the weather will also be better to a visit. A trip to Kullu is also a better option during the Good Friday holiday.