image credit: herzindagi

Cream made from milk proves to be very helpful in improving the complexion of your face. As fun, as it is to eat, it is equally good for skin care. There are many benefits of applying cream on the face. In such a situation, here we are telling you the method of making a cream face pack.

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To make a cream face pack, first, take a bowl and put two spoons of fresh cream and two pinches of turmeric in it. After this, add half a teaspoon of honey to it. Now mix it and give it the form of paste. In this way, the cream that brings shine to your face will be ready as a face pack.

image credit: practostatic

To use the Malai face pack, first, wash your face thoroughly. After this apply smoothly on the face with the help of your fingers. Now massage with light hands for about 15 to 20 minutes. After this, wash the face and clean it thoroughly with water. By doing this regularly, the face will start glowing.