Health and diet complement each other, whatever you take in diet directly affects your health. In such a situation, if proper care is taken of diet, health problems can be avoided to a great extent. The food items that we consume in the form of fruits, vegetables, grains spices etc. are all rich in some special quality. Most of the spices used in food are themselves full of medicinal properties.

Here we are going to tell you about the benefits of 'cardamom', a very useful spice for health. Cardamom is commonly used in every kitchen, but to get its full benefits, consuming its water is considered beneficial. Here we are going to tell you in detail about the benefits of consuming cardamom water.

Let us tell you that along with Vitamin B3 and vitamin C, essential minerals and fibre for the body are found in cardamom. Also, cardamom is rich in anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties. In such a situation, consuming it regularly can prevent all kinds of health problems. Since its use in food as a spice is very limited, it can be beneficial to consume its water separately to get full benefits.

Consume cardamom water like this

To prepare cardamom water, peel 4-5 cardamoms, soak them in water and leave them overnight. Heat this water thoroughly in the morning, cool it and consume it. It is especially beneficial to consume this water on an empty stomach. Now let us know about the benefits of consuming this water.

Helpful in detoxifying the body

Consuming cardamom water helps detoxify the body. Anti-oxidants are found in abundance in cardamom, which helps in cleansing the body by removing toxins from it.

Helpful in maintaining proper digestion

Cardamom water helps maintain healthy digestion. In such a situation, cardamom water can be very beneficial for people who have problems related to constipation, gas and digestion.

Helpful in keeping the skin healthy

Being helpful in digestion and detoxifying the body, the consumption of cardamom water is also very helpful in keeping the skin healthy. Regular consumption of this water provides relief from pimples and other skin-related problems.

Beneficial in respiratory problems

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties present in cardamom, it helps provide relief from asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.

Relief from period problems

Consumption of cardamom water is also beneficial to a great extent in providing relief from unbearable pain during periods. This water balances hormonal imbalance, which provides relief from irregular periods and unbearable pain during periods.

Get rid of bad breath

Consuming cardamom water also provides relief from the problem of bad breath., along with eliminating the bacteria in the mouth, it is also helpful in preventing cavities. Therefore, if you are suffering from respiratory problems then cardamom water can be beneficial for you.

Get rid of cholesterol and obesity

The fibre and antioxidants present in cardamom help control cholesterol and obesity. In such a situation, along with controlling cholesterol, cardamom water also reduces the risk of heart-related diseases to a great extent.

Helpful in controlling blood sugar

Consumption of cardamom water is also helpful to a great extent in controlling blood sugar. Therefore, diabetes patients should consume this water regularly.

Helpful in improving the metabolism

Rich in anti-bacterial and anti-microbial properties, cardamom also helps in improving metabolism. Therefore, consumption of this water can be beneficial for people who have problems related to metabolism.

In this way, the consumption of cardamom water helps get rid of health and beauty problems.