Due to deteriorating lifestyle and eating habits, thyroid problems have become quite common. Be it man or woman, everyone is troubled by this disease. There are two types of thyroid. Hyperthyroid and hypothyroid. Both situations can be serious for you. If you are a thyroid patient and want to control it, then you should be careful while eating these food items. Health expert Surbhi Gupta is giving information about this.

Soya or soya products

Thyroid patients should avoid eating soya or soya products. It contains goitrogens which can prevent the absorption of iodine. Soy contains isoflavones. These can interfere with the body's ability to use thyroid hormone.

Cruciferous Vegetable

Thyroid patients should not consume kale, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and spinach. Goitrogens are also found in it which hinder the functioning of the thyroid gland.


Thyroid patients should avoid excessive sugar consumption. This causes inflammation in the body and thyroid hormones are not released properly. At the same time, metabolism also slows down, which is a matter of concern for thyroid patients.


Consumption of milk should be avoided, although milk is calcium-rich. But it can reduce the effect of thyroid medicine. Even if you drink milk, there should be a gap of four hours between drinking medicine and milk.

Junk food

Processed or junk food should also not be consumed. These contain high amounts of sodium, which can harm you. At the same time, the caffeine present in coffee hinders the absorption of thyroxine hormone in the body, due to which this problem can increase further.

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