Now the lifestyle has become such that people do not have time to eat fresh food. People cook a lot of food and later keep it in the fridge. But health experts advise not to store cooked food in the refrigerator. Let us tell you what are the disadvantages of eating food kept in the refrigerator for a long time and for how long it should be kept. On this, social media influencer Krish Ashok said, 'It is wrong for people to believe that keeping food in the fridge destroys its nutrients. Rather, many elements of food get destroyed during cooking itself.

What did the experts say?
He says, 'Water-soluble vitamins are the most unstable and easily lost nutrients. Most of their damage is done during cooking. Heat destroys vitamins, but coolness during refrigeration does not. If cooked food is kept in an airtight container, it can last for two-three days or at most one week.

He also says that bacteria can take birth in boiled or plain cooked rice. They can survive even in low temperatures. In this case, they should be eaten within a day or two. Indian dishes are salty, sour, and spiced, so they automatically become fridge-friendly.

How safe is the food kept in the fridge for health?
On this question, he says that perishable items like eggs, dairy products, poultry, and meat should be kept in the refrigerator. Also, they should be consumed within a week. Whereas bread, fruits, and vegetables can be stored for a long time. Experts say that bacteria start growing after three to four days on food kept in the fridge.

If these are kept for a long time then the risk of food poisoning increases. Since the color, smell, and taste of food do not change due to bacteria, it is difficult to know whether it is safe or not.