Well, we all love some food combinations like butter jam, curd and nuts or berries etc.

But did you know that the combination of some foods is more important than just the taste? Today, Vidhi Chawla, Dietician and Founder of Fisico Diet Clinic tell us about 5 food combinations that boost antioxidants and enhance nutrient absorption. You can also get many benefits from these combos.

Why is nutrient absorption important?

Every cell in the body depends on vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from a range of healthy foods. These nutrients help create biochemical reactions necessary for our organs to function.

While we know that eating a balanced diet is essential for our health. But we often don't think about what happens once the food enters our stomach. In a healthy system, food will enter the stomach, and then digestive enzymes and bacteria break down the food. Nutrients are taken out and absorbed into the bloodstream, while waste is passed for elimination.

Unfortunately, our digestive systems don't always work as they should. If you're eating a nutritious diet, but your body is struggling to absorb those nutrients, you won't be able to enjoy all of those health benefits. In some cases, we may also experience fatigue, brain fog, poor digestion or skin problems due to nutritional deficiencies.

1. Rice with Beans

Beans and rice are both rich in protein, but they provide additional benefits when you combine them. Since rice is starchy and beans are high in fibre, it helps control carbs and prevents spikes in blood sugar levels. This is the best and healthiest plant-based protein diet.

2. Tomato and Olive Oil

Tomatoes contain lycopene which is a fighting antioxidant. They help prevent prostate cancer. Lycopene is well absorbed in the body when you cook tomatoes or serve it with olive oil.

3. Broccoli and Garlic

Garlic stir fry is not only good for your immune system, but it may also be good for your bones.

Like the taste of garlic? So enjoy garlic stir fry with some rice? Well, why not try adding broccoli to it? Broccoli is rich in calcium and it improves the absorption of calcium when you combine it with foods like garlic which is rich in inulin. This will strengthen your bones well.

4. Probiotics and Other Foods

Whatever kind of food you consume, you should be aware of the fact that your gut bacteria are responsible for digestion. They break down food and absorb all the nutrients. Consuming enough probiotics is essential to ensuring that your gut bacterial health is good. Yoghurt for example.

5. Green Tea and Lemon

We all know that green tea is famous for its amazing health benefits. It is known for its anti-ageing and anti-inflammatory properties. Since it is loaded with catechins, adding a squeeze of lemon (vitamin C) to it helps to absorb these catechins better and thereby fight diseases better.

You too can keep your health healthy by trying these food combinations.

Image Credit: Freepik& Shutterstock


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