Vastu Shastra has special importance in Sanatan Dharma. Like Vastu Shastra, Chinese Vastu Shastra is also Feng Shui. However, where it goes means “the path of air and water”. It remains popular today, spreading throughout China and even Western cultures. Feng Shui originates from the Taoist belief in chi or the life force that resides in everything. It is said that the religious belief of Feng Shui is that by taking some measures related to it, one gets relief from a financial crisis and paves the way for success.

Let us tell you that in the present time, every person wants his life to be full of comforts and facilities. But many times it happens that even after working hard we are not able to earn money. In such a situation, some measures for financial prosperity have also been suggested in Feng Shui. By doing this, not only do all the problems related to money go away but also Goddess Lakshmi is pleased by bringing things related to it home.

Crystal: According to Feng Shui, keep a white colored crystal in the north-east direction of the house, it is said that by doing this, Goddess Lakshmi is pleased, and positive energy is transmitted from the house to all kinds of things.

Three Chinese coins: According to Feng Shui, if three Chinese coins are kept in the house, then it is considered very auspicious. It is said that these coins should be tied in a red thread or ribbon and kept in the house or shop, this brings Goddess Lakshmi to the house.

Laughing Buddha: Laughing Buddha is also considered a symbol of happiness. Keeping Laughing Buddha in the house brings economic progress as well as positive energy in the house, maintains an atmosphere of happiness in the house, and also provides relief from stress.

Tortoise: It is very auspicious to keep a tortoise in the north direction of the house or office. Doing this also provides relief from all the money-related problems.
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